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Cruz Davis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry #1


Taking a tissue sample from the mouth for laboratory evaluation.

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Cancer Patient & Cancer Survivor Dental Care

It is imperative for your dentist to work in close conjunction with your oncologist or other treating physicians. Cancer treatments, such as head and neck radiation, chemotherapy, and blood and marrow transplantation, can cause oral complications by impairing the amount and quality of saliva which makes the patient more susceptible to cavities. Make sure to visit your dentist before beginning cancer treatment.

Geriatric Dental Care

Geriatric dental care, or geriodontics, describes the sector of dental care for older adults, forming a distinct group in terms of provision of care. Our team's training includes expertise involving care for our senior clients, including diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of problems associated with age-related diseases. Current research provides clear links between oral health and general health problems, and older adults are generally more susceptible to oral conditions or diseases due to an increase in chronic conditions and physical or mental disabilities. Our dentist  and team work in careful conjunction with a client's other healthcare providers to provide optimal care for these veterans of life, our beloved seniors.

Pregnancy Dental Care

Cruz Davis Dental provides dental care for every stage of Pregnancy and Parenthood

Nothing is more beautiful than an expecting parent. A pregnant woman's life and body changes drastically during pregnancy, but the necessity of professional oral healthcare continues. Oral health issues in pregnant women, like gum disease and tooth loss, have been linked to low birth-weight and prematurely-born babies, as well to tooth pain in children. Because pregnancy is such a special time, including physiologically, please advise our office and doctor if you are pregnant.

Pregnancy Oral Care

Women often report that during pregnancy, they did not visit their dental professionals. However, oral health is an important component of general health and should be maintained during pregnancy and throughout a woman’s life. 

Oral Health Links to Overall Health

The mouth is a reflection of overall health, reinforcing that oral health is an integral part of general health. Maintaining good oral health may have a positive effect on the heart, the lungs, bones, blood-sugar levels, and fetal development. In contrast, periodontal disease has been linked to respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and low-birthweight babies.

Home Care + Professional Dental Care

The good news is that with proper home dental hygiene habits, combined with dental care provided by professionals like the Cruz Davis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry team in Gainesville FL, pregnant women can rest assured knowing that their oral health is up to date and ready for baby kisses.

Continue reading below to learn about dental care for pregnant women, as well as oral care information and tips for every stage of pregnancy and beyond. 

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The good news is, with proper home dental hygiene combined with professional dental care at Cruz Davis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, pregnant women can rest assured that their oral cavity is hygienic and ready for baby kisses.

Dental Education for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that, along with other physiological and life changes, boost the risk of developing gum disease, or periodontitis.

What does gum disease have to do with pregnancy?

Chronic gum disease can manifest in a more mild form called gingivitis, or a more acute form called periodontitis. Any type of gum disease can not only affect the mother or gestational carrier, but gingivitis and periodontal disease can also cause undesirable health effects for the developing baby. 

How can gingivitis affect me and my pregnancy?

Did you know that studies show from 60% to 75% of pregnant women have an early stage of periodontal disease called gingivitis? You may have gingivitis if you notice that your gums have become red and swollen from inflammation. If gingivitis is not treated, the bone that supports the teeth can be lost, and the gums can become infected. 

How can periodontal disease affect me and my pregnancy?

Untreated chronic gum disease can cause bone loss, a condition called periodontitis. Teeth with little bone support can become loose and may eventually have to be extracted. Periodontitis has also been associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight.

What are some other factors that can lead to dental decay during pregnancy?

Pregnant women may be at increased risk for dental decay, or cavities, due to changes in behaviors, such as eating habits and changes to self-care routines. Women with high amounts of cavity-causing bacteria in the oral cavity during pregnancy and after delivery could transmit these bacteria from their mouth to the baby's, increasing their likelihood to have similar dental issues as the parents or caregivers.

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  • Did you know that 1 in 4 women of childbearing age have untreated tooth decay, or cavities?
Oftentimes we are not even aware that we have tooth decay until it comes into view on one of the visible surfaces of the tooth, or until we experience tooth pain, or other symptoms related to the infection.
  • Did you Know that children whose mothers have high levels of untreated cavities or tooth lossare are more than 3 times more likely to have cavities as a child, as compared to children whose mothers do not have untreated tooth decay?

Children who frequently consume sugars, for example from snacking, or from drinking a bottle with anything beside water before bed or in bed without cleaning the child's mouth afterward, can lead to early childhood cavities and the need for extensive dental care at a young age. Consumption of sugars does not just means sugar itself, but ALL carbohydrates, which includes most foods and drinks.
  • Did you know that children with poor oral health status are approximately 3 times more likely to miss school because of dental pain?
What is more important to note than this statistic itself is that dental decay, oral infections, and tooth pain is completely preventable in children. Preventative dental medicine begins with nutritional and dental education, proper home dental hygiene, and regular professional dental care, including preventative appointments that include professional cleanings and comprehensive dental exams, as recommended by your dentist.

Dental Care Tips for Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Pre-Pregnancy Dental Care

For the individuals and couples who are planning ahead for pregnancy, there are proactive steps to help ensure that mommy and baby have a healthy gestation. If possibly, the mom-to-be should make a dental appointment before getting pregnant. We recommend a professional teeth cleaning to make sure your mouth is in its optimum condition, and a periodontal exam to check your gum tissue and look for signs of oral health issues. If you do have dental problems, it is considered safer to receive certain dental treatments when not pregnant, and we can guarantee that sitting in a dental chair for extended periods is more comfortable when not pregnant.


Dental Care While Pregnant


You're pregs! Could anything be more exciting or imporant? Pregnancy and childbirth are often some of the most exciting human experiences, and our Gainesville dental team is kveling with you! Amidst all the emotions and naps (we hope you are napping), please do not neglect your dental care. A woman's body is amazing, and oral hygiene is more important than ever while growing a baby inside your uterus. Here are several tips regarding your oral care that our doctor recommends you follow while pregnant:

  • "I'M PREGNANT Y'ALL!"  Let us be one of the first to congratulate you! As healthcare providers, we also want to make sure that you maintain your good health during during your pregnancy. Thus, please be sure to inform your dentist and other healthcare providers that you are pregnant as soon as possible. Before you have your dental appointment, please check with your obstetrician to see if they have any special precautions that you, or we as your dental providers, should know. 

  • Pregnant Dental Care  – Gainesville, FL – Cruz Davis Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

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  • CONTINUE ROUTINE DENTAL CARE  Routine dental care should continue during pregnancy! While our dentist can perform urgent procedures on a pregnant woman, we recommend that all elective procedures be postponed until after the delivery of the baby, and  after recovery of the mother or gestational carrier. Our office's conservative treatment approach dictates that we introduce the least amount of stress to the pregnant mother and child while we continue to provide the highest level of healthcare to you and baby.
  • HOME ORAL HYGIENE  Keeping up with your personal oral hygiene practices, combined with professional dental care, is necessary to help prevent and reduce health problems for you and baby during your pregnancy and after birth-day. Because of the length of human gestation compared to normal recommendations for professional dental care, chances are that while pregnant you will be due for a professional dental cleaning, or prophylaxis. Dental cleanings are an extremely important part of maintaining one's oral health during pregnancy, so please plan accordingly and schedule ahead of time. Here are a few home oral care tips for pregnant women:
    • Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue at least twice a day.
    • Floss every day! Don't beat yourself up or give up if you miss a day - there's always tomorrow. We recommend flossing before bedtime because human beings' saliva production decreases while asleep, and saliva helps cleanse our mouths.
    • Use an antimicrobial mouth rinse to complement, or in some severe cases of morning sickness, as we describe below, replace one or more other oral care methods.
  • MORNING SICKNESS  If you are pregnant and the mere idea of putting a toothbrush in your mouth in the morning nauseates you to the brink of 'tossing your cookies', then you are not alone. About 70% of pregnant women report 'morning sickness' during pregnancy. However challenging it may be, you cannot let morning sickness derail your plans of optimum oral hygiene during pregnancy. If your nausea is preventing you from BWP (brushing while pregnant), our Gainesville dental team would like to offer a few suggestions to help you keep up with your home oral care:
    • Toothpaste  Most toothpastes have strong flavors and smells. Since prenant women tend to have heightened sensitivity, you may have an averstion to strong smells and tastes during pregnancy. Instead of brushing with a strongly-flavored toothpaste, try substituting a bland-tasting toothpaste during pregnancy. Feel free to ask our dentists or hygienists if you would like them to recommend brands. 
    • Mouthwash  Morning sickness and pregnancy nausea in general can cause occastional or frequent vomiting. If you find yourself with a strong aversion to all toothpaste and toothbrushing during pregnancy, there are other steps you can take for your oral care for those moments (or days or months) where you cannot make yourself put a toothbrush in your mouth. Thoroughly rinsing your mouth with a dentist-recommended mouth rinse can function as a temporary emergency substitute for tooth brushing. And if mouthwash overwhelmes your senses, rinsing even with just water can help clean your mouth and clear away food and bacteria to help prevent dental decay and gum problems during and after your pregnancy. 
    • Prophylaxes  Keeping up with your professional dental care visits complements home hygiene and is an important component of maintaining overall dental health.
  • PROFESSIONAL DENTAL CARE  Time flies when you are pregnant, and it's easy for mummy to neglect herself. But did you know that 40% of women develop gingivitis during their pregnancy? Please remember that by caring for yourself, you are also taking care of your baby and your family. Regular dental exams are still important because pregnancy causes hormonal changes that put a pregnant woman at increased risk for periodontal disease and tender gums that bleed easily, a condition called pregnancy gingivitis. If you already showed signs of gum disease before pregnancy, we often see the condition amplify while pregnant. 
  • GUM DISEASE AND PREMATURE BIRTH  Our dentists and team in Gainesville, Florida, feel it worth reiterating that there exists strong scientific evidence of a link between periodontal disease and both premature births and low-birthweight babies. A scientific article, Periodontal infection and preterm birth, summarizes results of a study supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, and published in The Journal of the American Dental Association. This research found that, compared to mothers with healthy gums, pregnant women with chronic gum disease (periodontitis) are 4 to 7 times more likely to have underweight newborns and preterm delivery, defined as delivering before week 37. Mothers diagnosed with severe stages of periodontal disease delivered the most prematurely. 
  • MEDICATIONS  Make a list of your medications as you receive them from your doctors, or as you take them throughout the week, because it's almost impossible to accurately recall this information when needed. And then be sure to tell your dentist and other doctors and healthcare providers the names and dosages of all drugs you are taking, including over-the-counter medications, supplements, prenatal vitamins, and pharmaceutical prescriptions.
  • DOCTORS' RECOMMENDATIONS  In addition to communicating your medications to us, please also make sure to convey any specific medical advice your other doctors have given you, as our dentist may need to modify your dental treatment plan based on your other treating physicians' recommendations.
  • X-RAYS  Dental radiographs, or x-rays, can be done safely during pregnancy. Our dentist and team use extreme caution and a conservative approach, putting you and your baby's safety first. Even though advances in x-ray technology have made radiographs exponentially safer today than in past decades, we prefer to take extra safety measures for pregnant women, such as shielding your abdomen and thyroid if we need to take x-rays, and not performing x-rays during the first trimester of pregnancy unless deemed medically necessary. 
  • CHANGES  You know your body better than anyone else, so please be observant and communicative during your pregnancy. Pregnant women should pay special attention to changes in their gums. If you are pregnant and notice gum tissue tenderness, bleeding, or swelling at any time, please send us a message to let our dental team know so we can make sure your body keeps running at optimal health in preparation for the big day - baby's earthly debut - and beyond.

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Baby's Here! Now What?

Your baby has made his / her / their worldy debut. Mazel tov! Your baby is likely eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom around the clock, allowing you little chance to sleep or nurture yourself. Take it from us - this is no time to neglect your dental health! On the contrary, you should take extra care of yourself, as well as be open to receiving community support, including from your professional healthcare providers. Taking care of a baby can be overwhelming, and 'It takes a village' to raise a child. 

Since your last visit to the dentist - which ideally took place while you were pregnant - if you had any dental issues or gum problems during pregnancy, please schedule time to see us soon after your delivery. Dr. Cruz-Davis will perform a post-pregnancy comprehensive oral health check, and our entire team will make sure that you keep running like a fine-tuned momma.

Baby's First Dental Visit

Our dental team in Gainesville, Florida, as well as the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), recommends that a child's first dental visit occur before one year of age, regardless of whether or not the child has teeth that have come in, or erupted, as we say. At Cruz Davis Dental, a young child's first visit will be fun and very 'low-key', allowing the child to become comfortable with the setting and build rapport with our dentist and team. 

During a toddler's first visit to our office, our dentist will (attempt to) inventory the child's teeth and perform a quick oral health examination. Our dentist will also brush your child's first adorable primary teeth, or baby teeth as they're often called informally. In addition to these mini treatments, our doctor will discuss nutrition and oral hygiene education with the parents or caregivers, and of course answer any questions you may have. Learn more about dental care for children on our page highlighting Pediatric Dentistry.

Sports Guards (Customized)

A sports guard or mouth guard is a removable mouthpiece designed to protect the teeth and mouth from trauma during high-impact sports like football, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, (field) hockey, boxing, martial arts, and more. Whether you wear braces or not, protecting your smile while playing sports is essential, and mouth guards help protect your teeth and gums from injury. 

Tobacco and Smoking Cessation Therapy

Our dentist and other dental professionals use evidence-based knowledge to help prevent tobacco use. Tobacco use can be highly addictive and contains carcinogens directly linked to causing cancer and other health complications. Our dentist is trained to provide tobacco cessation treatment to help you quit tobacco use. Our dentist uses aids like one on one counseling, behavior tracking and analysis, while he can also recommend and prescibe pharmaceutical medications.

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Your Dentist for Weddings and Special Events

We welcome patients and couples of all backgrounds and lifestyles for a smile mini-makeover for your wedding or other special event. We offer cosmetic dentistry options such as Invisalign® braces, in-office or take-home tooth whitening for the bride, groom, or entire wedding party. Ask us about group rates as well as other cosmetic dentistry services such as tooth reshaping, bonding, gap closures, and veneers. Ask our Gainesville dentist and team about cosmetic dental options for your next big event, because if you think you look good, you do.

Book your next visit with Cruz Davis Family & Cosmetic Dentistry today for Specialized Dental Care!

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